Navigating Final Expense Insurance with a Pacemaker

Navigating Final Expense Insurance with a Pacemaker

September 28, 202311 min read


Understanding Pacemaker Risks for Seniors

Many seniors are unaware of the potential risks associated with pacemaker malfunctions.

If a pacemaker malfunctions, seniors may face the difficult decision of whether to undergo expensive surgeries or incur high medical costs to ensure they continue receiving necessary care until the end of their lives. In such unforeseen circumstances, burial insurance can provide assistance in covering these expenses.

A funeral director can work closely with you and your family to determine the most suitable insurance options for your specific circumstances.

Securing Affordable Burial Insurance with a Pacemaker

Are you wondering if insurance covers a pacemaker? Many clients with cardiac pacemakers have approached us, fearing they might be ineligible for affordable final expense insurance due to their pacemakers.

We assured them that everyone with a pacemaker is indeed eligible for the most cost-effective insurance coverage with no waiting period.

Just as we'll explain in this guide, having a pacemaker is among the eligible health impairments for same-day coverage.

Numerous individuals with pacemakers have found value in our guidance to obtain the most economical final expense insurance coverage with no waiting period. When seeking health insurance for pacemaker patients, similar rules and requirements apply.

It's essential to consult with an experienced field underwriter who can steer you in the right direction. Each insurance company operates differently, with its own set of restrictions. Therefore, it's crucial to thoroughly review every detail with your representative, including your medications.

Final Expense Insurance With A Pacemaker

Let us lend you a helping hand!

Are you wondering if you can buy life insurance with a pacemaker? In this article, we'll walk you through the scenarios in which individuals with pacemakers can secure speedy burial insurance at an affordable rate.

Additionally, we'll provide insights into situations where having a pacemaker may require a slightly higher premium and a longer waiting period.


Is Life Insurance Available for Individuals with Pacemakers?

Pacemaker and Final Expense Insurance Companies

The positive outlook

Are pacemakers covered by insurance policies? Pacemakers are no longer a concern for insurers. Thanks to advancements in medical technology, these remarkable devices have become highly reliable and effective.

Statistics show that individuals with pacemakers or other implanted cardiac devices, such as ICDs, can now lead fulfilling lives without limitations.

Insurance companies rarely inquire about "cardiac pacemakers" or "pacemakers" in their underwriting process, indicating that they are unconcerned about them.

Life insurance with a pacemaker – now offering day one coverage! Prepare to be pleasantly surprised!

The type of pacemaker you have will not affect the value or cost of insurance plans offered by insurance providers.

Furthermore, insurers will not require a medical or physical exam for burial or final expense insurance coverage, even if you have a pacemaker.

Many pacemaker patients have benefited from our assistance in securing burial insurance plans at affordable rates with immediate coverage from day one. These plans are typically referred to as "simple," "preferred," or "level" by insurance providers.

Regardless of your situation, you must undergo an underwriting process to qualify for a simple insurance plan if you have a pacemaker or any other pre-existing condition.

The downside

Believe it or not, there is none... It's true! Having a pacemaker will not result in higher insurance premiums.

While having a pacemaker poses no issues, burial insurance companies will scrutinize recent installations.

To the underwriting insurer, pacemaker installation is considered heart and circulatory surgery, and insurers' underwriting health inquiries will always ask about recent heart or circulatory surgeries within the last 24 months.

As a result, if you received your pacemaker within the last 24 months, you must answer affirmatively, making you ineligible for a simplified insurance plan.

But don't lose hope! You may still qualify for a streamlined insurance plan with a 1-year look-back period on heart and circulatory surgeries from select reputable carriers.

If you haven't received a simplified insurance plan offer for any reason, don't worry. We can help you secure the next-best rates on funeral insurance from the nation's top-rated carriers.

Pacemaker Underwriting Process of Final Expense Insurance Companies

Insurance companies will inquire about your health throughout the underwriting process regarding any additional illnesses, such as atrial fibrillation, that you may currently or in the past have had. A few high-risk therapies or operations, such as heart and circulation surgery, will also be brought up.

The usage of alcohol, tobacco, or other illegal drugs is frequently questioned as well.

Additionally, insurance companies will analyze your history of prescribed medications to see if you have any high-risk illnesses, treatments, or physical problems. They can determine what diseases you have or have had by looking at your medical history and the prescription drugs you've used.

In the underwriting process, insurance companies will ask about the following:

  1. Questions about your present and past diseases (if there’s any) and lifestyle.

  2. Prescribed medication history assessment.

Health questions in the underwriting

It is true that many funeral insurance firms will not ask about pacemakers at all in their underwriting queries.

However, every burial or final expense insurance provider will undoubtedly inquire as to whether a senior applicant has just undergone circulatory surgery or a heart attack.

Typically, the query looks something like this:

“In the last 24 months, did you have a heart or circulatory surgery?”'

"If you had heart or circulatory surgery within the last 12 months— you have to pay more and endure a waiting time period— there’s no way around this."

Likewise, if you recently had your pacemaker installed within the last 12 months, you have to say yes to the heart and circulatory question.

“But why?” you ask. Let us explain…

"Insurance companies consider the surgical installation of a pacemaker as a heart and circulatory surgery. That’s why."

How a Pacemaker is Surgically Installed

In order to monitor the heart's rhythm, the pacemaker's leads or wires are threaded into a vein and into the right ventricle of the heart during the installation procedure.

The leads will now be linked to a pulse generator that runs on batteries after making sure they are positioned correctly and are functioning properly. When that happens, the pulse generator

Your doctor will put a needle just beneath the collarbone in your chest.

You could be requested to spend the day in the clinic or hospital so that the pacemaker can be monitored and adjusted as necessary. This is done to ensure that the pacemaker is operating as it should.


Understanding Underwriting Questions

Each insurance provider has its own unique set of underwriting guidelines. For instance, some insurers may categorize the implantation of a pacemaker as a procedure with potential risks associated with the heart and circulatory system.

Upon reviewing the underwriting questions from different insurers, you'll notice that they vary. Each insurance company establishes its own criteria for answering health-related inquiries.

While the health questions in underwriting may appear straightforward, seeking professional assistance to provide accurate answers can be beneficial.

This is where our expertise comes into play, significantly aiding you in securing the best possible insurance offer. Consulting with our highly knowledgeable Final Expense Insurance Specialists can help you avoid providing insufficient or overly detailed responses.

Inadequate responses may suggest withholding information, while excessive detail could negatively impact the quality and cost of the insurance offered to you.

Moreover, an independent agency with extensive experience and understanding of the insurance industry's underwriting process can recommend top-rated insurers who assess your health favorably.

Regardless of your situation, it's essential to reach out to a reputable independent insurance specialist or agency, such as, to guide you in securing the finest policy offers from reputable final expense insurance companies right from the start.

Only a small amount of your time for your details is all we ask of you.

Heart and Circulatory Surgery Questions In The Underwriting

Moving forward with us, we would have informed you that insurance companies will classify surgically implanting a pacemaker as heart and circulation surgery.

Every insurance provider will inquire about whether you've had heart or circulatory surgery as part of the underwriting process. Typically, the question might be phrased like follows:

In the last 24 months, did you have any type of heart or circulatory surgery?

Earlier we explained that the surgical installation of a pacemaker is considered a heart and circulatory surgery procedure by insurance companies.

"So depending on when you had your

pacemaker installed, these are the

various coverage plans that burial

or final expense insurance companies will offer."

1.Your Pacemaker was installed MORE THAN 24 months ago

The insurance coverage is immediate and starts on day one at the lowest monthly rate.

Any burial insurance provider will have no issue presenting you with a basic insurance package. As long as they offer the greatest rate on a streamlined insurance plan, you are free to submit an application to any insurance company you like.

Now, you wouldn't want to submit an application to any organization You desire the best insurance in the nation.

2. Your Pacemaker was installed MORE THAN 12 months ago

The majority of the insurance companies will charge more per month and will have to place you on a waiting period.

Even if your pacemaker was put in more than a year ago but less than two years ago, we have access to some of the best insurance companies in the country that can still offer a simplified burial insurance plan.

So hopefully, you’ll get in touch and move forward with us to get you sorted out in this situation.

3. Your Pacemaker was installed WITHIN the last 12 months

It is impossible to avoid paying higher monthly premiums with a waiting period.

If this applies to you, insurance options with a 15–30% price premium over a simplified plan and a typically 24–month waiting period will be offered to you.

All of your contributions will be reimbursed to your beneficiaries along with a 10% interest rate if you die away within the waiting period.

Even though you didn't pass the 24-month waiting period, you are still receiving coverage, and your beneficiaries will still receive extra money as a result.

It's good to know that this insurance plan outperforms bank "Certificates of Deposit" (CD) and "Share Certificates" by a wide margin. There is no bank CD or share certificate that will return 10% interest.


Understanding Pacemaker Battery Replacement and Burial Insurance Coverage

Some insurance companies still categorize the replacement of a pacemaker battery as a heart and circulatory surgery procedure, particularly if they consider your pacemaker to be recently implanted.

The battery replacement procedure involves swapping the old pacemaker unit with a new one, although the wires are typically left unchanged.

Fortunately, we have connections with several reputable final expense insurance companies that offer coverage, even if a pacemaker battery replacement is required.

We encourage you to continue working with us to navigate away from insurance companies that have strict policies regarding pacemaker battery replacements.

How To Find The Best Burial Or Final Expense Insurance If You Have A Pacemaker

The qualities that you should be looking for in an insurance coverage plan for a pacemaker are the following:

  • The insurance company with the lowest monthly premium.

  • The insurance company that can offer a simplified plan that only has a 12 months look back on pacemaker installation.

  • The insurance company that can offer a simplified plan even if you have a recent pacemaker battery change.

  • The policy has the highest benefit payment with immediate coverage.

  • The insurance company is financially stable with a proven track record.

We here at can exactly get you these coverage qualities for anyone who has a pacemaker!

We have assisted many people who have pacemakers, including those who had theirs installed over 12 months (but less than 24) or who had their pacemaker's battery replaced recently.

We are an independent insurance agency with a team of highly experienced Final Expense Insurance Specialists that has access to the country’s top-rated A+ insurance companies that only offers top-tier insurance policies with innovative additional benefits at no extra cost.

We are driven by the desire to ensure that everyone receives the best burial or final expense insurance coverage available! No matter what their health issues are.

We know every top-rated burial or final expense insurance company we work with's underwriting questions and rates like the back of our hand.

"What we only need from you is a

little bit of your time to know your

situation and we will provide the best options."

With your details, we can absolutely tell you which company will offer the best possible insurance plan no matter when you had your pacemaker or if you have other serious diseases or recent surgeries.

Talk to us now! We promise you a simple no-nonsense interview process with no pressure at all whatsoever.



Many individuals we've spoken with have shared a common concern. Surprisingly, when applying for life insurance or burial insurance, most insurance companies do not require disclosure of having an implantable pacemaker.

This means there are more options available than many people realize! If you believe your family could benefit from this, request a quote from us today.

Beyond providing support during challenging times, life insurance can help your loved ones secure their future after you're gone, while final expense policies alleviate the burden of funeral expenses.

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