A Complete Guide To Securing Low-Cost Burial Insurance for Epilepsy

A Complete Guide To Securing Low-Cost Burial Insurance for Epilepsy

September 29, 202314 min read


Many overlook the importance of starting early when it comes to securing affordable burial insurance coverage for epilepsy. While discussing this topic may seem somber, ensuring financial preparedness for the unexpected event of death is essential for both you and your family.

With over 70% of Americans lacking any form of life insurance, seniors often face significant financial challenges in the event of an untimely passing. That's why taking proactive steps to secure burial insurance coverage is vital.

To help you get started on this crucial journey, this blog post will explore everything from determining the right coverage amount to understanding the various types of policies available.

Final Expense Insurance for Epilepsy

Final expense insurance serves as a crucial financial safety net for individuals living with epilepsy, offering coverage for end-of-life expenses like funeral and burial costs. Despite pre-existing medical conditions such as epilepsy, these policies are designed with simplified underwriting or guaranteed acceptance, ensuring accessibility for individuals who may face challenges obtaining traditional life insurance.

While individuals with epilepsy may encounter slightly higher premiums, the convenience of guaranteed coverage often outweighs the associated costs. It's important for individuals to carefully review policy terms, including any waiting periods and coverage limits, to ensure they understand the extent of their coverage. Additionally, comparing quotes from various insurers can help individuals find the most suitable final expense insurance policy tailored to their specific needs and circumstances. By taking these steps, individuals with epilepsy can secure peace of mind knowing that their end-of-life expenses will be covered, alleviating financial burdens for themselves and their loved ones.

Burial Insurance for Epilepsy

Burial insurance serves as a practical solution for individuals living with epilepsy who seek assurance that their final expenses will be covered. These policies typically offer simplified underwriting or guaranteed acceptance, making them accessible to individuals with pre-existing medical conditions. While premiums may be slightly higher for those with epilepsy, the ease of obtaining coverage often justifies the cost.

It's important for individuals considering burial insurance to carefully review policy details, including coverage limits and waiting periods. By understanding the terms of the policy, individuals can ensure that their needs are adequately met and that there are no surprises down the line.

Additionally, comparing quotes from different insurers can help individuals find the most suitable burial insurance policy for their specific circumstances. This allows them to weigh factors such as premium costs, coverage limits, and policy features to make an informed decision.

In conclusion, burial insurance provides individuals with epilepsy the opportunity to secure financial peace of mind for their loved ones. By exploring their options and selecting a policy that meets their needs, individuals can ensure that their final expenses are taken care of, relieving their families of any financial burden during a difficult time.

8 Reasons

Epilepsy and Final Expense Insurance Providers

Navigating the landscape of final expense insurance with epilepsy can present unique challenges, as each insurance company operates within its own framework of regulations and guidelines. While some insurers may reject applicants with epilepsy outright, others may offer coverage at a higher premium, while still, a few may provide affordable options tailored to individuals with epilepsy.

Fortunately, there are insurance providers that specialize in catering to seniors seeking final expense or burial insurance coverage without imposing lengthy waiting periods or exorbitant costs. These plans, often referred to as "simplified," "preferred," or "level" plans, are designed to offer coverage at reasonable rates, making them accessible to seniors without stringent health criteria.

One of the key advantages of these burial insurance plans is the absence of medical or physical exams during the application process. Instead, applicants may be asked health-related questions, and in some cases, no questions at all, facilitating same-day approval for coverage.

At BestBurialPolicy.com, we understand the importance of finding the best final expense insurance solution tailored to your unique circumstances, including the challenges posed by epilepsy. Our team is dedicated to helping individuals with epilepsy secure affordable and comprehensive coverage, regardless of the severity of their condition or the frequency of seizures.

Understanding the Underwriting Process for Epilepsy and Final Expense Insurance

When applying for final expense insurance with epilepsy, it's crucial to understand the underwriting process employed by insurance companies. During this process, insurers will inquire about your health history, including any past or present diseases, prescribed medications, and lifestyle factors that may impact your health.

Specifically, insurance companies will ask detailed questions about various aspects of your health, including:

  1. Present and Past Diseases: Insurers will inquire about any existing or previous medical conditions you have experienced, including epilepsy and any other relevant health issues.

  2. Lifestyle Factors: Questions may also be asked about your lifestyle habits, such as smoking, alcohol consumption, and exercise routines, as these can impact your overall health and risk profile.

  3. Prescribed Medication History: Your history of prescribed medications will also be assessed, including any medications taken for epilepsy management or other health conditions.

During the underwriting process, insurers evaluate the information provided to assess the level of risk you pose as an applicant. Certain factors, such as the severity of your epilepsy, frequency of seizures, and any associated complications, may influence the insurer's decision and premium rates.

It's important to note that insurers may view certain factors, such as wheelchair use, as indicators of living conditions or types of assistance required. This information may be included in the underwriting questions to accurately assess your risk profile.

Overall, understanding the underwriting process for final expense insurance with epilepsy can help you navigate the application process more effectively and ensure you receive the coverage that meets your needs.

Evaluating Epilepsy in Health Questionnaires for Insurance

When applying for insurance coverage, whether it's burial or final expense insurance, individuals with epilepsy often encounter specific inquiries related to their condition. Insurance companies typically ask about epilepsy, seizures, neurological conditions, and related factors to assess the applicant's health status and determine the level of risk they present.

Here are some common health questions related to epilepsy that individuals may encounter during the application process:

  • Seizure or Recurring Seizures: Applicants may be asked about their history of seizures, including the frequency and severity of episodes.

  • Neurological Conditions: Insurance companies may inquire about any underlying neurological conditions, including epilepsy, to better understand the individual's overall health status.

  • Home Health Care: Questions about home health care needs, such as assistance with daily living activities or medical care at home, may be included to assess the level of assistance required by the applicant.

  • Wheelchair Use: Individuals may be asked about their use of a wheelchair, which can indicate mobility limitations and additional care needs.

  • Assistance with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs): Insurance companies may inquire about the applicant's ability to perform activities of daily living independently or if they require assistance with tasks such as bathing, dressing, transferring, toileting, and eating.

For individuals with epilepsy who require assistance with ADLs and home health care, obtaining insurance coverage can be challenging. Most insurance companies offer guaranteed issue (GI) coverage for individuals with such needs, but there is only one provider that offers graded burial insurance with some instant benefits, which may be a preferable option for those with epilepsy.

Graded burial insurance provides coverage that surpasses that of a GI plan, offering additional benefits while still accommodating individuals who require assistance with ADLs and home health care.

In conclusion, understanding the specific health questions related to epilepsy and exploring insurance options tailored to your needs can help individuals with epilepsy obtain the coverage they require for financial protection and peace of mind.

Life Insurance Epilepsy

Need To Use A Wheelchair

Wheelchair use will ALWAYS come up in insurance company underwriting health questions. These are the common questions about how wheelchair usage is asked:

  1. Are you confined to a wheelchair?

  2. Are you confined to a wheelchair due to a chronic disease or illness?

Unfortunately, many insurance providers will reject your application if the answer to both questions is yes. Most insurance firms will refuse to insure you for burial or final expense insurance if you have a chronic illness and use a wheelchair.

A "Guaranteed issue (GI)" plan, which offers no underwriting requirements and no prescription drug review, is your only remaining alternative in this situation. A GI plan has a complete 24-month waiting period and is more expensive.


Neurological Conditions

Many of the underwriting questions used by insurance firms frequently use larger terminology. Some insurance providers will refer to epilepsy as one of several "neurological diseases," instead of the word "epilepsy." So you should say "yes" if you have epilepsy.

"The importance of Final Expense Insurance

Specialists guidance in answering

underwriting questions"

There may be questions described here that have been completely reworded and may sound completely different in the actual underwriting questions, as you may have noticed above with the many underwriting questions related to epilepsy.

You might assume it's simple enough to figure out the answers to an underwriting inquiry on your own because they seem so straightforward. Without a doubt, giving a hesitating response could result in diminished or, worse, no rewards. when the moment arises.

One of the important circumstances where our knowledge will greatly aid in obtaining the greatest coverage is in this one. Consultation with one of our highly knowledgeable Final Expense Insurance Specialists will prevent you from providing excessive or insufficient information when responding to underwriting inquiries.

The most top-rated insurance companies will evaluate your health the best based on your responses to the underwriting questions, and an expert independent agent will contact you straight away with insurance coverage options from those businesses.

Whatever happens, you should speak with a trustworthy independent insurance expert or company like BestBurialPolicy.com right away for professional guidance.

Prescribed medication history assessment

should carefully check if you have any further medical disorders that they might be concerned about. The history of your prescribed medications will be examined by insurance companies. In essence, they will be aware of the health difficulties you have or have had if they analyse your prescriptions.

Almost all insurance companies will presumptively consider you as an applicant with epilepsy if you are using one or both of the prescription medications listed below, regardless of how you responded to the underwriting health questions.

  • Carbamazepine (Carbatrol or Tegretol)

  • Clonazepam (Klonopin)

  • Diazepam (Valium)

  • Eslicarbazepine (Aptiom)

  • Ethosuximide (Zarontin)

  • Felbamate (Felbatol)

  • Lamotrigine (Lamictal)

  • Levetiracetam (Keppra)

  • Lacosamide (VIMPAT)

  • Lorazepam (Ativan)

  • Oxcarbazepine (Oxtellar XR, Trileptal)

  • Perampanel (Fycompa)

  • Phenobarbitol

  • Phenytoin (Dilantin)

  • Pregabalin (Lyrica)

  • Tiagabine (Gabitril)

  • Topiramate (Topamax)

  • Valproate (Depakene, Depakote)

  • Zonisamide (Zonegran)

There are maybe others, but these are the common seizure medications that are commonly tagged by insurers as someone with recurring seizures.


Possible Burial Or Final Expense Insurance Plan Offers For Epilepsy

Offer #1 Your application is declined

Some insurance companies simply do not want to take the risk of insuring applicants with epilepsy or recurring seizure disorders.

If you move forward with us, you won’t encounter this situation.

Offer #2 Highest premium with a waiting time period

This plan is commonly referred to as "Modified" by insurance carriers. You are most likely considered to be at the highest risk as a result of this.

The cost of the monthly premiums will be 30–100% higher than with a basic plan. Additionally, there will be a 24-month waiting period after which your beneficiaries would only be eligible to collect the entire amount of your death benefits if you die away before then. All premium payments will be returned with a specific percentage interest in the event that you pass away within the waiting period.

When it comes to epilepsy, a "guaranteed issue" plan—where the premiums would be 15–40% more expensive with a complete 24-month waiting period—might be a preferable choice.

Knowing this will help you choose which offer would be ideal for you in terms of advantages and pricing. A highly skilled final expense insurance specialist can assist you with the arithmetic and help you make this decision.

Offer #3 Slightly higher premium with immediate protection of a percentage payout per period

A "Graded" plan is typically referred to as a percentage payout per time period.

With a 24-month waiting period, the monthly premiums will cost 15 to 50% higher. This will provide some immediate security.

Typical immediate advantages include the following:

  1. 30 to 40% of the full death benefit will be paid if you pass away within the FIRST 12 months.

  • 70 to 80% of the full death benefit will be paid if you pass away within the SECOND 12 months.

  • After the 2 years waiting time period, you will be fully insured for life.

Offer #4 Lowest cost with immediate coverage (best plan)

Depending on the insurance carriers, this plan is frequently referred to as "simple," "preferred," or "level."

If all goes according to plan, you will receive it just like a person in excellent health. This will be the most affordable burial insurance option available without a waiting period; your beneficiaries can begin receiving the full death benefit right away.

How To Quickly Find The Best Burial Or Final Expense Insurance For Epilepsy

The following is an exhaustive list of the characteristics you should look for in an insurance policy and the insurance provider that provides it:

  1. The insurer with the most affordable monthly premiums.

  2. The insurance provider with the finest options for various epilepsy scenarios.

  3. The greatest benefit payment available under the policy can cover you more quickly.

The insurance agency that you would need to move forward with must have the following qualities when it comes to finding burial coverage for epilepsy:

  1. The agency must be independent to have access to a lot of different insurance companies that can possibly offer the best coverage.

  2. The agency must have insurance agents that are highly experienced burial or final expense insurance specialist that have the passion to help you! Not the companies.

  3. The agency only offers the best policies from the country’s top-rated insurance companies that have stood the test of time in the insurance industry with stable finances and a proven track record.

You may acquire these coverage attributes for epilepsy from BestBurialPolicy.com.

Many of our epilepsy clients have been successful in obtaining coverage plans from the nation's top-rated insurance providers that have withstood the test of time and industry pressures.

Final Expense Policy And Your Parents

Are your parents in need of a last expense policy?

A final expense policy can be a practical and compassionate choice for addressing your parents' financial needs at the end of their lives. These policies, also known as burial or funeral insurance, are specifically designed to cover funeral costs and other end-of-life expenses. By purchasing such a policy for your parents, you can alleviate the financial burden on your family during an emotional and challenging time.

When considering a final expense policy for your parents, it's essential to assess the coverage amount carefully. Determine the anticipated costs of a funeral, burial, or cremation, as well as any outstanding medical bills or debts. Next, select the type of policy that suits your parents' health and eligibility. Simplified issue policies may require minimal medical underwriting, while guaranteed issue policies often have no health-related questions or exams.

Lastly, consult with an experienced insurance agent or advisor who can guide you through the options available and help you find a policy that aligns with your parents' needs and financial situation. By proactively securing a final expense policy, you can ensure that your parents' end-of-life wishes are fulfilled with dignity and respect, offering peace of mind for your entire family during a challenging period.

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Securing low-cost burial insurance for individuals with epilepsy is not only possible but also a prudent financial decision. This complete guide has outlined the key considerations, from understanding the simplified underwriting process to exploring guaranteed issue policies. While epilepsy may lead to higher premiums, the peace of mind and financial security offered by burial insurance make it a valuable investment. By carefully comparing quotes and consulting with insurance experts, individuals can ensure that their end-of-life expenses are covered without unnecessary financial strain. Ultimately, low-cost burial insurance provides a dignified and thoughtful way to ease the burden on loved ones during a challenging time.

Burial insurance for epilepsy Low-cost burial insurance
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