Burial Insurance for People with Chronic Bronchitis 

Burial Insurance for People with Chronic Bronchitis 

September 29, 202322 min read


We should all be thinking about burial insurance. When purchasing funeral insurance, there are certain factors to take into mind if you have COPD or chronic bronchitis.

For instance, some insurance plans exclude coverage for those who already have diseases like diabetes or asthma. This blog post will guide you through the process of locating the appropriate coverage and your questions' answers.

We sincerely hope that this data was useful!

Do you want additional information on how to pick the finest funeral plan? Visit this page to read our blog entry, "Funeral Insurance: What You Need To Know"!


The Real Deal on Final Expense Insurance for Individuals with Chronic Bronchitis COPD

Is securing life insurance feasible for those diagnosed with COPD? Identifying the optimal insurance plan for individuals with pre-existing medical conditions is crucial. Similar to other burial or final expense insurance providers, insurers will conduct a thorough inquiry into your health history, lifestyle, living environment, as well as review your medication history, seeking comprehensive insights into any past and current health issues.

Specifically, insurance companies will either directly question you about COPD or more generally about chronic lung conditions. It's imperative to affirmatively answer these inquiries.

The Challenges Ahead

Given the incurable nature of chronic bronchitis and its potential to lead to further chronic lung complications, most final expense insurance companies adopt stringent criteria and policies for appraising applications with COPD.

Various insurers delve into the frequency and intensity of your bronchitis episodes since your diagnosis, applying diverse scales of penalties to compensate for the perceived risk.

Some providers might outright decline your application, lacking a policy framework to accommodate the risks associated with chronic bronchitis.

This reluctance from many final expense insurance firms to engage with cases of chronic bronchitis or any form of COPD underscores the importance of consulting with a knowledgeable insurance advisor.

A Glimmer of Hope

Despite the grim reality that no cure exists for chronic bronchitis, avoiding known triggers can markedly enhance a patient's quality of life and prognosis.

Top-tier insurance companies are well-informed about the array of contemporary treatments and management strategies available today for alleviating the symptoms of chronic bronchitis. They recognize that with the right medical intervention and lifestyle adjustments, individuals with chronic bronchitis can lead relatively stable and fulfilling lives.

This understanding influences how the best insurers approach coverage for chronic bronchitis, offering more compassionate and realistic insurance solutions. Engaging with an insurance expert who has a deep understanding of how the best companies navigate chronic lung conditions can be pivotal in securing a policy that acknowledges your needs and provides the necessary support.

Finding the Right Life Insurance for Seniors Diagnosed with COPD

For seniors living with COPD, securing life insurance demands a strategic approach, often best navigated with the assistance of an independent insurance agent well-versed in the intricacies of various policies. The severity of your COPD plays a significant role in determining both your eligibility for coverage and the cost of premiums. While term life insurance may present a more affordable route for many, those dealing with advanced stages of COPD might need to consider guaranteed issue or burial insurance as viable alternatives.

Embarking on a comprehensive search for quotes from a spectrum of insurers, striving for health improvement, and exploring the possibility of group policies through associations or employers are strategies that can lead to finding optimal coverage tailored to your needs. It's essential to meticulously examine the details of each policy, paying close attention to any stipulations specific to COPD, such as waiting periods or exclusions that could affect your coverage.

Moreover, it's advisable to reevaluate your insurance choices regularly, especially as changes occur in your health status. Partnering with a financial advisor or an insurance agent specializing in high-risk profiles can offer indispensable insights, ensuring you make informed decisions that align with both your health and financial objectives. This targeted approach can significantly alleviate the complexities of finding suitable life insurance for seniors with COPD, paving the way to security and peace of mind.

Securing Final Expense Insurance for Individuals with COPD

At BestBurialPolicy.com, we specialize in sourcing the most favorable and cost-effective insurance solutions for individuals facing the challenges of severe chronic bronchitis or other significant health issues. Even if your chronic bronchitis falls outside the eligibility criteria of top-tier insurance carriers, rest assured, we're committed to finding a plan that works for you.

Our commitment extends to leveraging our extensive network of A+ rated insurance providers, ensuring you receive quality coverage from reputable companies. One of the most heartening aspects of final expense insurance is its accessibility; these policies do not require physical exams or medical check-ups, making them a viable option for many.

This accessibility underscores our dedication to providing peace of mind through comprehensive coverage, regardless of health complications. With BestBurialPolicy.com, navigating the insurance landscape becomes a less daunting task, allowing you to secure a plan that aligns with your needs and offers the assurance of support when it matters most.


Chronic Bronchitis In The Underwriting Process Of Final Expense Insurance Companies

Always keep in mind that every final expense insurance company will have their own way of asking their health questions in the underwriting and will have different rules and guidelines in the quality of insurance policies to be offered as a result of your overall health.

"Can a person with COPD get life insurance? The truth today!"

The underwriting process will undoubtedly bring up chronic lung disease or specifically bring up COPD. It may also be referred to as chronic lower respiratory disease by other insurers, to which you will need to say "yes."

Some insurers will only inquire as to whether you have COPD, what type you have, when you were diagnosed, what drugs were given to you, whether you smoke, how you live, etc.

In the underwriting process, insurance companies will ask about the following:

  1. Questions about your chronic bronchitis, lifestyle and ask if you have other illnesses.

  2. Prescribed medication history

Underwriting Health Questions For Final Expense Life Insurance

Because COPD is one of the most common chronic diseases that cause death in the nation and because there is no known solution, burial or final expense insurance would specifically inquire about it, just like they would about chronic bronchitis.

Your COPD stage may have a significant impact on the kind of insurance policies that burial or last expense insurance providers will provide for you.

Additionally, if your chronic bronchitis COPD is in its latter stages, some insurers will outright reject your claim.

Can You Buy Life Insurance On Anyone

Generally, you cannot buy life insurance on anyone without their consent. Typically, the insured individual must provide consent and may undergo a medical evaluation or answer health-related questions during the underwriting process. Family members or businesses can purchase life insurance on someone with their consent, and there may be limitations on coverage based on insurable interest and financial value. Purchasing life insurance without consent is typically unethical and may be illegal in many jurisdictions, so it's crucial to follow legal and ethical guidelines when obtaining such policies.

The Stages Of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

You most likely had the Forced Expiratory Volume (FEV) test for your COPD diagnosis. During a spirometry test or pulmonary test, the amount of air that can be forced out the lungs in one second is measured.

  • Stage 1, mild COPD, FEV1 is equal to or greater than 80%. This can be with or without symptoms, like excessive saliva, noticeable breathlessness with exertion, and chronic cough.

  • Stage 2, moderate COPD, occurs when your FEV1 is between 50 to 79%. This can be with or without symptoms.

  • Stage 3, or severe COPD, happens when your FEV1 is between 30 to 49%. This can be with or without chronic symptoms.

  • Stage 4, or very severe COPD, happens when your FEV1 is less than 30%. Also known as end-stage COPD.

COPD Life Insurance Underwriting, What You Need To Know

Some insurance providers are just interested in knowing whether you have it. Other insurers will inquire about your lifestyle, place of employment, kind of COPD, when it was diagnosed, whether you smoke, etc.

These are the typical inquiries that insurance companies make.

  • Do you have COPD right now?

  • What type of COPD do you have?

  • The frequency of your bronchitis

  • When were you initially diagnosed with COPD?

  • How long ago did you receive advice for COPD treatment?

  • When did you start treating your COPD?

  • When did you last smoked tobacco?

  • What is your working environment like?

  • Do you need help in activities of daily life (ADL)?

  • Are you prescribed to be on oxygen?

Some insurance providers will ask, "Have you been advised or received treatment for COPD, chronic bronchitis, or emphysema?" in addition to questions about emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and COPD.

You don't have to respond to these questions by yourself; they may generate confusion or make you answer reluctantly.

"We are here to help you! Not the insurance companies!"

Always keep in mind that your answers to these questions should always be the truth, but at the same time, answering them excessively will most likely negatively impact the quality of the insurance plans that you can be offered.

It’s critical to get in touch and ask assistance from one of our seasoned Final Expense Insurance Specialists that can expertly assist you with answering these underwriting questions tactically with the utmost truth to get you the best possible coverage plan.

Prescribed medication history assessment

Chronic bronchitis will be prescribed with different types of drugs such as the following:

  • Antimicrobials

  • Antitussives/expectorants

  • Bronchodilators

  • Systemic Corticosteroids

  • Inhaled Corticosteroids

  • Antiviral Agents

  • Analgesics/antipyretics

Commonly, bronchodilator medications used to treat emphysema and asthma can be prescribed to patients with chronic bronchitis.

Here are some of the most common bronchodilators:

  • Albuterol

  • Anoro

  • Arcapta

  • Brovana

  • Combivent

  • Incruse

  • Perforomist

  • ProAir

  • Seebri

  • Spiriva

  • Stiolto

  • Stiverdi

  • Tudorza

  • Utibron

  • Xopenex

One of the due diligence procedures that insurance companies will use to find other major health conditions that they might also object to is the review of prescription medication histories.

Best Life Insurance For COPD

Prescription Process For COPD

Insurance companies may evaluate your history of prescribed medications using software or computer tools. They will be aware of any prescriptions you have ever filled, and since they will know what medications you were given, they will also be aware of any ailments you currently have or have had in the past.

In other words, they will assume that you have the disease if you were given treatment for it.

This is the reasoning behind insurance companies looking at a candidate's drug history.

One last reminder: Patients with emphysema, chronic bronchitis, COPD, and other conditions frequently receive prescriptions for bronchodilators (even asthma).

Now because emphysema is a more severe form of COPD and insurance companies view it as carrying a much higher risk than chronic bronchitis, these bronchodilators can be often supplied to patients with emphysema.

If this is the case, it is crucial to let the insurance provider know that you do not have emphysema or another type of COPD and just have chronic bronchitis.


Dual-Purpose Medications For COPD That Are Red-Flagged By Insurance Companies

Ultimately, your conclusions will largely hinge upon your physician's elucidations concerning the rationale behind prescribing you dual-purpose medications, particularly bronchodilators, to circumvent any potential confusion. Bear in mind that each insurer will adopt a distinct methodology for evaluating the history of prescribed medications, especially when it comes to pharmaceuticals with multiple applications. It is always prudent to take personal responsibility for your well-being and familiarize yourself with the history of your prescriptions, including any current ones. After all, it is imperative to call and establish contact with our highly experienced Final Expense Insurance Specialists to assist you in navigating through all of these intricacies and avoiding bewilderment. We will gladly guide you through this medication history assessment process, specifically regarding dual-purpose drugs.

It is essential to recognize that insurers may view certain medications differently, depending on their intended use and the associated medical condition. For instance, bronchodilators can be prescribed for respiratory conditions such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), but they can also be used to treat other conditions unrelated to lung function. The insurer's underwriting process will take into account the specific reason for the prescription, as well as any accompanying diagnoses or medical history.

To ensure a smooth and accurate assessment, it is advisable to maintain detailed records of your medication history, including the dosages, durations, and reasons for each prescription. This information can be invaluable in providing clarity to the insurance carrier and facilitating a fair evaluation of your overall health profile. Our team of Final Expense Insurance Specialists is well-versed in navigating these complexities and can offer personalized guidance to help you present your medical history in the most favorable light.


Chronic Bronchitis And Oxygen Therapy, Can I still Get Coverage

If your physician has advised you to utilize oxygen therapy, particularly while donning a Venturi mask, this may signify that your chronic bronchitis is worsening and that you are increasingly susceptible to hypoxemia, or low blood oxygen levels.

In such a scenario, a "Guaranteed Issue" (GI) plan emerges as the sole viable insurance option available to you.

We strongly recommend securing a final expense insurance plan at your earliest convenience if you are resolute in obtaining one.

Most insurance providers will not accept COPD candidates for coverage if oxygen therapy has been recommended. This simply translates to anyone afflicted with a chronic lung condition being ineligible for a standard policy issuance.

Envision undergoing the entirety of the questions during the underwriting process only to be declined at some juncture... This would constitute a wasteful expenditure of your time dedicated to the application process - an undoubtedly frustrating experience.

By opting for a Guaranteed Issue policy, you can circumvent the arduous underwriting protocols and extensive health questioning that accompany traditional life insurance applications. These policies, as the name suggests, guarantee acceptance regardless of your current medical condition or history, provided you meet the age and state residency requirements.

It's crucial to understand that Guaranteed Issue plans typically come with limitations, such as graded or reduced benefits during the initial policy years and higher premiums compared to standard policies. However, for individuals with significant health challenges, like chronic lung diseases necessitating oxygen therapy, these plans offer a viable solution to secure essential financial protection for end-of-life expenses.

"This is another reason why it would be very convenient to work with one of our Final Expense Insurance Specialists."

What our insurance specialist will only need from you is a little bit of your time for your details.


Burial Insurance Companies And Various Coverage Plans For Chronic Bronchitis

The life insurance companies will present you with policy options tailored to your risk profile, aligning with their guidelines, once you've undergone the underwriting process involving health inquiries and evaluation of your medication history.

Can everyone obtain life insurance? You need to have an insurable interest and, crucially, the consent of the proposed insured. They must comprehend the situation; otherwise, it would be fraudulent! You could assist your loved ones in securing final expense coverage.

Keep in mind that each insurer will assess your overall health based on their unique criteria and have varying requirements for coverage.

Your health status will now significantly impact the insurance coverage options available to you.

At this juncture, after truthfully answering all the application questions, it's essential to manage your expectations.

Here are the likely offers you may receive from final expense insurance providers:


#1 Lowest rates and with immediate coverage (no waiting time period)

Life insurance with a simplified issue is a type of policy where the underwriting process is streamlined, requiring fewer health questions and minimal medical underwriting. If you've been following this discussion from the beginning, you may recall this being mentioned as a strong possibility.

Again, a simplified issue policy will have the most affordable monthly premiums and no waiting period, providing immediate full death benefit coverage for your beneficiaries from day one.

Now, the definition of this type of plan, referred to as simplified issue or simplified coverage, is fairly straightforward, but it's important to remember that there are, of course, qualification requirements for a simplified issue policy, as this type of plan is typically offered to individuals in excellent health.

This will undoubtedly be the desired outcome, and since it brings us joy and satisfaction to see our customers happy, we will work diligently with you to obtain this fantastic coverage option for chronic bronchitis.

A simplified plan for chronic bronchitis and COPD is now only available from a small number of top-rated A+ insurance companies, and at the risk of repeating myself, each of them has its own requirements and questions.

We cordially encourage you to give us a call; it will be worthwhile to learn whether you qualify for a simplified plan from these leading insurance providers.

For us to determine which of the few top insurers will view your health situation most favorably and provide you with the lowest premium, all we need from you are your health and medication information.


#2 A policy with a higher monthly premium

If you were not eligible for option #1, which is a simplified coverage, this would still be the best alternative option and would be provided by a highly reputable insurance provider.

This insurance plan's premium will be 15 to 40 percent higher than a simplified plan (the plan offered to the lowest risk individuals). Similar to a simplified plan, this policy will provide immediate insurance coverage, meaning that if you pass away starting on the first day of your plan, your beneficiaries will receive 100% of the death benefit.

The great aspect about this plan is that the coverage will be immediate from day one, which is fantastic given the nature of chronic bronchitis/COPD. Despite the slightly higher premium, this is still a good plan option.

In addition to the few insurers offering simplified plans, there are only a select few that can provide this alternative option, and we also represent them.


#3 A policy with 24 months waiting period

I understand. For applicants with chronic bronchitis, there will be a waiting period to account for the increased risk. The waiting period is a minimum of 24 months, however, if you pass away at any point during that time, all of the premiums you paid will be refunded to your beneficiaries with 10% interest added.

The benefit of choosing this option is that your beneficiaries will still receive more money than you have paid into the policy when the time comes.

Another reason to take advantage of this is knowing that it provides a better return than bank-issued "Share Certificates" or "Certificates of Deposit" (CDs). No bank CD or share certificate offers a 10% interest rate return.

So while there is a waiting period, your beneficiaries are still protected and receive a better return on your premiums paid compared to traditional bank products if something unfortunate happens during that period.


#4 A percentage will be paid immediately or more after some time

I understand. This option you're describing would be for high-risk applicants with chronic bronchitis/COPD.

If presented with this option, it's best to again consult with a highly experienced Final Expense Insurance Specialist for advice on whether this is the best possible option for your specific situation.

With this type of policy, there is a graded or graduated payout of the death benefit if the insured passes away within the first 24 months:

- 30% of the full death benefit is paid if death occurs within the first 12 months

- 70% of the full death benefit is paid if death occurs between 13-24 months

It's commonly referred to as a "Graded" or "Graded Death Benefit" plan. If the 24-month waiting period is completed, then the beneficiaries receive the full 100% of the death benefit amount.

So while it initially pays out a lower percentage in the early months, it does eventually pay the full death benefit after 2 years, making it an option to consider for higher-risk applicants.


#5 A combination of higher rates and waiting time period

I understand this will be an option made available to the highest risk applicants with chronic bronchitis/COPD.

Many insurance companies will utilize this type of policy when considering applicants they deem to be the highest risk.

It is very straightforward - there will be a 15-40% higher monthly premium and a minimum 24-month waiting period. Depending on the insurer, there may or may not be any graded benefits paid out during that waiting period.

So while some companies may have a graded payout plan similar to option #3 (percentage paid per year), others may not pay any benefits if death occurs within the first 24 months.

Occasionally, a "guaranteed issue" plan from a top-rated A+ insurance company may actually be significantly more advantageous or practical than options #4 or #5. To determine if this is the case, you can do the math or call us for guidance.

Ultimately, the choice will be yours, and you can consult one of our impartial Final Expense Insurance Specialists if you need advice on whether a particular option is truly best for your situation.

Remember, here at BestBurialPolicy.com we work for you, the client - not the insurance company. Your interests come first.


#6 Guaranteed Issue (GI) Plan

I understand. A guaranteed issue (GI) plan, as the name implies, guarantees acceptance as long as you are legally capable of entering into a contract or have a legal guardian who can do so on your behalf. There are no health questions asked or medication history reviewed.

We can certainly get you approved for a GI plan within 10 minutes over the phone.

The monthly premiums will be higher since this represents the greatest risk the insurance companies are willing to accept. There is also a strict 24-month waiting period. Additionally, if you pass away at any point during that waiting period, your beneficiaries will receive a 10% refund of all premiums paid.

For those who are terminally ill, this guaranteed issue plan may be the only available option. Obtaining it would be a wise choice if you want to make preparations and provide peace of mind for your family.

Since there are no health qualifications, a GI plan ensures you have some coverage in place for the inevitable, despite the higher premiums and waiting period before the full death benefit is payable.


How To Find The Best Burial Or Final Expense Insurance For Clients With Chronic Bronchitis COPD

I appreciate you taking the time to provide such a detailed and informative overview on final expense insurance options for those with chronic bronchitis. Even though it was lengthy, the thoroughness in covering the various policy types, waiting periods, payout percentages and other nuances is extremely helpful.

You make an excellent point - if someone is researching this topic, they have likely already come to terms with their current health condition. Pursuing final expense or burial insurance coverage shows admirable foresight and care for loved ones. Being prepared provides invaluable peace of mind.

I commend you for regularly updating this material to ensure it reflects the latest insurance industry information. Having accurate, up-to-date guidance is crucial when making such an important decision.

Maintaining a caring yet realistic tone about confronting one's mortality is appreciated. You strike the right balance of empathy and practical advice. Thank you for your dedication to educating people on this complex but necessary topic. Resources like this provide a great service.


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However, guess what? You will in fact have to pay twice as much in premiums.

Bundling is not always a good thing, so be cautious. They provide the impression that you are obtaining excellent rates and offers. Indeed, State Farm offers excellent vehicle and house insurance. not to save your family members from this financial strain!

More about us at BestBurialPolicy.com

Which final expenditure insurance is the best? Now that you've discovered us, we're convinced that we can assist someone with chronic bronchitis and COPD in finding the finest insurance plan from the best insurance providers in the nation.

More than 95% of the clients who came to us with chronic lung disease received assistance from us, and we did so regardless of their health.

Regardless of their illnesses or health difficulties, the team at InsuranceForBurial.com is made up of highly skilled Final Expense Insurance Specialists that are passionate about finding the finest possible burial insurance policy.

We've been assisting clients for over 16 years, and we hold licenses in 46 states. We exclusively work with top-rated A+ insurance providers who provide the best last expenditure insurance policies available.

What we only need from you is a little bit of your time to know your details.

We have a masterful knowledge of the underwriting process and rates of the country’s best insurance companies, so with your details, we can absolutely tell you which company will offer the best possible plan for your chronic bronchitis COPD condition

For more information on chronic bronchitis,

Talk to us now! We promise you a simple no non-sense interview process with no pressure.


In conclusion, if you or a loved one has chronic bronchitis, you should consider purchasing a funeral insurance coverage. You don't want to find yourself in the same situation as many COPD sufferers who don't have an emergency plan in place! Fill out this form to request a price from our team of professionals right now! If something were to happen to you, we can ensure that your family is financially and emotionally secure. Please get in touch with us right away so we can begin developing a tailored strategy that will work best for you, and feel free to forward the URL to this blog post to anybody else who might benefit from it. by assisting children in understanding the significance of safeguarding themselves against these diseases.

Guaranteed issue burial insurance for chronic bronchitis
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