Reviewing American Amicable Life Insurance: A Top Carrier

Reviewing American Amicable Life Insurance: A Top Carrier

September 28, 202310 min read

While taking control of your life can be challenging, it's wise to explore reviews of American Amicable Life Insurance.

Now is the time to consider purchasing life insurance, providing your loved ones with financial assistance when needed.

Investing in quality life insurance is essential for ensuring you're adequately prepared for the future. Overall, American Amicable life insurance has received positive ratings.

With numerous companies claiming to provide superior coverage options, finding one with exceptional insurance can be difficult but not impossible.

Unveiling the Legacy of American Amicable Life Insurance

American Amicable stands tall as a premier provider of burial insurance, tracing its roots back to 1910, making it one of the nation's oldest operating companies.

Under the umbrella of the American Amicable Group of Companies lies the American-Amicable Life Insurance Company of Texas, along with the Occidental Life Insurance Company of North Carolina, among other distinguished entities.

Founded on principles of client satisfaction and trust, the American Amicable Life Insurance Company, or ALICO, has carved a niche for itself in the insurance landscape.

Setting itself apart from competitors, the company offers a diverse array of products beyond insurance, extending to retirement options.

American Amicable Life Insurance offers a spectrum of coverage, including final expense, simplified universal life, simplified term, and modified whole life insurance, with daily advance commissions.

It's worth noting that their operations are conducted exclusively online, requiring cautious selection of the business with which to engage to avoid any unexpected outcomes.

Teaming up with ALICO are local agents across the United States, facilitating access to their simplest plans and offering personalized consultations.

The company boasts a wide portfolio of insurance products, spanning life and health coverage.

Their offerings include universal policies ensuring lifelong coverage, term life insurance with fixed durations or until the age of 100, and modified products, all conveniently accessible through their website.

With 5,000 employees managing assets totaling $109 million and an additional $6 billion insured through their entities, American Amicable exudes financial strength and stability.

For those considering burial insurance, a plethora of options awaits, including the Return of Premium, Amicable Graded Insurance, and Immediate Benefits plans, each offering unique financial advantages deserving of exploration.


What is American Amicable Life Insurance Rating

Top-rated organizations, such as the BBB and A.M. Best Grade, gave American Amicable an A rating for excellence in February 2015.

Which final expense insurance are offered from America Amicable Insurance Company in Texas?

Because our organization has gotten A+ and A ratings, your money will be safe.

What they offer in Final Expense life insurance products

American Amicable Final Expense – Golden Solution Series

This organization has a standing as one of the best in America.

The majority of people will want to use the company's services because it provides insurance policies that cover funeral fees, other burial expenses, and sometimes even medical bills or debts. Knowing what to do after someone dies can be difficult.

Some people believe that American Amicably's fees are high. However, because of the tremendous possibilities they offer, many consumers continue to use them.

Ages 0 to 85 are eligible for this plan, and the longest premium-paying duration is 110 years.

Applicants between the ages of 50 and 75 must pay a minimum face value of $2,500 in order to receive a death benefit of up to $35,000 in the event of their untimely death. People over the age of 76 can only get a maximum of $20,000 in supplementary coverage.

The Graded Plan is the best option for seniors between the ages of 50 and 85. If you are eligible to apply in the United States or Guam, Puerto Rico, you can receive a maximum death benefit of $20,000 under this plan.

This policy's whole life perpetual coverage will be ideal for covering your funeral costs should you pass away.

Day One Immediate Death benefits

This is the one if you're seeking for a fully covered last expense policy.

If you pass away, you will be compensated right away.

Waiting Period or “Graded Death Benefits”

For those who have certain medical or health issues, this insurance is a wonderful option.

The death benefits under this plan are paid out in installments; you do not receive the entire death benefit amount on the first day.

If someone purchases this insurance and dies during the first year, the firm will pay 30% of the premium. Furthermore, if they die in the second year, the company will pay 70% of their estate. If they die within three years, the company will not make any payouts.

Modifies Plan (Return of Premium Death Benefit, ROP)

The American Amicable Insurance Company offers a distinctive product called the Return of Premiums insurance plan.

If someone dies, this policy provides additional money you can receive. When compared to other insurance, the money is unique. After three or two years, you also receive 10% of the money you paid back.

The graded two-year period is appropriate for individuals who have reached the age of 65 or older as well; this way, they must pay premiums on a monthly basis rather than waiting until they become 65.

You have another option if you select the "modified" option. You have a choice between claiming 100% of your death benefits after just one year, or waiting three years and receiving up to 10% more in premiums.

Even if an accident occurs, you can still collect money.

Terminal Illness Rider ADB

If a terminal illness is discovered within 24 months of applying, the terminal illness rider's accelerated death benefits allow policyholders to receive their whole death benefit amount.

Additionally, this advantage is uncharged!

If you have this rider, you will receive 5% of the policy's value each month. If you pass away, you will also be paid out immediately.

Because it is not considered life insurance, the plan is not offered in all states. This is so because the premiums are constant regardless of an individual's age or health.

Additionally, there is no possibility of earning a profit on your premium investment.

How much does it cost, and how do I get started

The last expense insurance premiums can vary depending on your age and the desired level of coverage.

For example, if a person wants to insure $10,000 in death benefits in the event that they die too soon as a result of complications from smoking cigarettes or other tobacco products, they will have to pay a monthly premium ranging from $27 to $32 at the time of purchase, depending on their gender (female or male) and age.

Females and males 50 years old can expect to spend $30 or $38 per month in premiums for a $10,000 coverage under the Graded Death Benefits Plan.

Because this plan is graded, with premiums increasing by about 5% per year beginning at age 75, people who are 85 at the time of enrollment (or shortly thereafter) will pay an even higher premium.

Why you should choose American Amicable over other life insurance providers [Claims]

If you want a claim to be processed, call the toll-free number for American Amicable Life Insurance business first.

The application can be sent or forwarded by fax. However, processing can take longer than a single day. It depends on the timing of your submission and the volume of other applications.

The benefits of choosing an affordable plan with a low monthly premium

  • No Medical Exams - The last expense insurance plan also has the benefit of requiring no medical examinations, which means approval will occur much more quickly than with a life insurance policy. The approval process often takes a week or two, although it can also happen quickly.

  • Your whole life insurance policy's cash value is what you would be owed by the firm if they were to stop making premium payments or terminate the policy. This sum is available for withdrawal at any moment, but only in specific situations like death, accidental or medically-induced dismemberment, etc.

  • Some riders allow for accelerated death benefits and terminal illness-accelerated death benefits, which give people with advanced cancer or other life-shortening illnesses the opportunity to enjoy their remaining time before their condition progresses and kills them.

  • Adding optional riders to your life insurance policy allows you to personalize it and add extra security where you need it. For instance, the Accidental Death Rider gives coverage at a reasonable cost of $2500 annually with minimal payments.

  • This is ideal if you have dependents who depend on your pay or other sources of money to survive without the family breadwinner being there on a daily basis; in that case, this would be something to take into account when looking around for plans that best suit your priorities!

  • In addition, there are two more unique riders for the grandchildren: a Grandchild Rider, worth $5,000 and applicable to everyone under the age of 21, There is a limit of two units that can be purchased.

  • Nursing facilities are permitted to offer quick death benefits, and policies begin immediately, if they have a waiver of premium rider. The timing has little impact on families because the waiting period is only 90 days long.

Is there anything else I need to know about this company before purchasing a policy from them

What are their knockout questions?

Insurance firms aim to increase their profits, but doing so is difficult for them.

We'll quiz you on some things. We will select the best insurance plan for you based on your responses.

  • Do you frequently require help with simple things like eating, dressing, using the restroom, or taking a shower?

  • Are you currently hospitalized, confined to a nursing home, a wheelchair, or a bed as a result of a chronic condition or illness? Currently receiving assisted breathing care in a hospice home health facility for a medical condition that makes it difficult to dress and use the restroom.

  • Have you ever received a medical diagnostic, gone through renal dialysis, or been given a congestive heart failure or dementia diagnosis?

  • Have you received a medical diagnosis or treatment for AIDS, a condition that is frequently connected to HIV and that, if caught late in the sickness process, could be fatal? If so, the knowledge in this article could be able to improve your position.

You are qualified for coverage under the Death Benefits Final Expense Insurance Plan if you respond "No" to each of these inquiries.

This isn't always the case, though. The majority of sick people will be accepted, although they might receive less money than those who are immediately qualified.

Some of their Niches and Underwriting Questions

Other health-related questions will be posed in addition to the knockout ones. For instance:

  • illnesses brought on by insulin or diabetes, such as TIA and other types of cardiovascular disease.

  • Cardiomyopathy, Lou Gehrig's disease, Huntington's disease, or congestive heart failure are all diagnoses for the heart's condition.

  • Squamous and basal cell skin tumors are not included in the list of recognized cancers.

  • If you have received one of the following diagnoses within the past 12 months, or if your drug and alcohol therapy has altered any of the following organs: the heart, kidney, liver, lungs, or brain. This also holds true for melanomas, lymphomas, systemic lupus erythematosus, and leukemia diagnosis and therapy.

  • Internal cancer/melanoma, leukemia, COPD, cirrhosis of the liver, ulcerative colitis, stroke, and other heart-related disorders have all improved during the past 24 months. circulatory collapse Please consult your doctor before participating in this competition if you have neuromuscular problems.

Underwriting Process

The following steps are part of the American Amicable Life Insurance underwriting process:

  • Online information gathering for applications

  • describing your medical history and current medications to an agent over the phone

  • checking a pharmacy database or the medical information bureau (MIB). It doesn't get any more personal than that; this is done for every candidate, regardless of how they are feeling right now. When determining whether to approve you for insurance coverage, our decision-making process will also take into account your weight-to-client ratio and the client construct.


The company, American Amicable Life Insurance Pros & Cons


  • Positives Premiums are EQUAL!

  • Protection is for LIFE!

  • Amounts accumulated in cash

  • Options for free passengers


  • Claims that aren't paid right away

  • Not reasonably priced


Customers of American Amicable Life Insurance should be aware of the coverage options available to them and the benefits they require.

By reading our review or calling a professional agent at 1-855-380-3300, they can determine if the business is the best fit for them. Fill out the form on the right to request a quote straight now!

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