Globe Life Insurance Reviews You Need To Know

Globe Life Insurance Reviews You Need To Know

February 11, 202318 min read

We've prepared a summary of the pros and cons of this type of final expense insurance to give you a fair assessment of Globe Life and Accident Insurance Company.

These are actually based on consumer reviews of Globe Life Insurance's final expense insurance product and reviews of Globe Life burial insurance.

Is this just another Globe Life scam? Find out now!

There is no 2-year waiting period at Globe Insurance Company, so you would need to meet certain medical requirements. We'll discuss several insurance companies that offer better options for life insurance.

For instance, let this be the judge and jury for Globe's misleading website!

We hope this will help you make a more informed decision regarding your life insurance needs and purchase.

Let's be honest: burial life insurance can help cover burial costs and, if needed, hospital expenses. This type of life insurance is designed to insure and protect family members.

The death benefit is also paid out to the beneficiary. The underwriting process is relatively straightforward with just a few standard health questions.

Moreover, burial insurance far outperforms preneed funeral insurance.

The death benefit must be paid promptly, and your family must receive more than accidental coverage during the first two years, above all else.

Ultimately, getting the best insurance policy is what matters.

Who Is Globe Insurance Company

Is Globe Life a Trustworthy Provider of Life Insurance?

When it comes to safeguarding your future with life insurance, entrusting your financial security to a reputable provider is paramount. Among the myriad options available in the United States, Globe Life stands out as a well-established entity primarily focused on offering life insurance products. However, determining whether it merits the label of "reputable" is contingent upon various factors, including individual experiences and specific needs. Let's delve deeper into what constitutes a reputable insurance provider and how Globe Life stacks up against these criteria.

The cornerstone of any insurance company's credibility lies in its financial stability. One must scrutinize Globe Life's financial standing through independent rating agencies such as A.M. Best, Standard & Poor's, or Moody's. These entities assess and rate insurers based on their ability to meet financial obligations. A robust financial profile not only instills confidence but also assures policyholders that their claims will be honored when the time comes.

Equally crucial is the feedback garnered from customers who have firsthand experience with Globe Life. While perusing customer reviews and testimonials, it's essential to exercise discernment, recognizing that opinions can be subjective. Pay attention to recurring themes and patterns, as they often provide valuable insights into the company's strengths and weaknesses. Furthermore, investigating any history of consumer complaints or regulatory actions through organizations like the Better Business Bureau and state insurance departments can shed light on Globe Life's track record in handling customer grievances.

In assessing Globe Life's offerings, it's imperative to compare its policies, pricing, and coverage options with those of its competitors. This ensures that you're not only getting the best value for your money but also the most comprehensive coverage tailored to your specific needs. Scrutinizing the terms and conditions of Globe Life's policies is equally essential, as it helps you understand the extent of coverage and any potential limitations or exclusions.

Customer service quality also plays a pivotal role in determining an insurance provider's reputation. Prompt and courteous assistance can make a world of difference, especially during times of distress. Evaluating Globe Life's responsiveness and attentiveness to customer inquiries and claims processing can provide valuable insights into its commitment to customer satisfaction.

Ultimately, choosing the right life insurance provider is a deeply personal decision influenced by a myriad of factors. While Globe Life may tick many boxes in terms of financial stability, customer feedback, and competitive offerings, it's essential to conduct thorough research and consider multiple options before making a final decision. Soliciting quotes and engaging in conversations with representatives from various insurers can provide a comprehensive understanding of the available options and empower you to make an informed choice.

As of my last update in September 2021, the information provided herein is accurate to the best of my knowledge. However, it's advisable to verify the latest information and industry developments before finalizing your decision. Remember, your financial security is paramount, and entrusting it to a reputable life insurance provider is a critical step towards securing peace of mind for you and your loved ones.

2023 Globe Life Insurance Reviews You Need To Know

Pros And Cons Of Globe Life Insurance

Globe Life: Is it a fraud? Decide for yourself!

The Good

  • For a limited time, seize the opportunity to enjoy your first month of life insurance absolutely free! Experience the peace of mind knowing you're covered, risk-free. If within 30 days you find that it's not quite what you need, cancel hassle-free with no questions asked. Simply notify them, and they'll refund 100% of your premiums without requiring any additional paperwork, except for the shipping label, of course. It's that easy, but remember, these offers apply to life insurance policies only.

  • Obtain vital coverage that could make all the difference in a matter of minutes. With no cumbersome two-year waiting period, your protection starts immediately upon enrollment!

  • Furthermore, secure life insurance through final expense policies without the inconvenience of scheduling doctor visits or undergoing medical examinations. While you'll still need to answer some health-related questions, the process is streamlined for your convenience. Protect your loved ones without added stress – it's that simple!

The Bad

  • As you age and move into new five-year increments, your premiums for term life insurance with Globe Life may increase. Even if it's just for a year, these hikes could significantly raise the cost of your coverage for the remaining duration of the plan.

  • Wondering about the two-year waiting period with Globe insurance? If you're seeking last expense insurance, also known as whole life insurance, without the hassle of health inquiries or personal examinations, this might not be the ideal choice for you. Globe Life requires all applicants to undergo underwriting procedures, where factors like age, financial stability, and customer satisfaction are evaluated to meet their customers' needs. Their underwriting standards are stringent, so if you're declined for Globe Life insurance, it doesn't mean you're ineligible for coverage elsewhere. For affordable burial insurance and further insurance details, give us a call today!


  • The volume of customer complaints directed towards The UGLY Globe is notably higher than the norm. In contrast to other companies of similar size, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners has reported a significant increase in grievances, with the majority centered around policy handling and claims processing. Their consumer complaint index, which stands between 3.61 to 7.19 when compared to the industry average of 1.00, further underscores the disparity in customer satisfaction.

In general, due to these grievances, the following inquiries are frequently made:

Globe Life Insurance Complaints

It's critical to understand how many complaints this business receives from customers. Would you send your automobile to a technician that has more than 200 complaints and a 1.19/5 star rating, to put it simply?

So why would you get life insurance, a policy that will shield your family from these situations?

Here are a few reviews taken from the BBB website. At best, customer service is poor.

Is Globe Insurance a Scam?

To determine whether Globe Insurance or any other company is a scam, conduct research by checking if they are licensed, investigating their reputation and financial stability, contacting regulatory authorities, carefully reading policies and contracts, asking questions for transparency, being cautious of red flags like high-pressure tactics and unrealistic promises, and seeking legal advice if needed. Always exercise caution and due diligence when dealing with financial matters to protect your interests.

Does payout?

On average, claims take more than 30 days to process. Whether it is term life insurance or whole life insurance, the claim form must be submitted with the death certificate.

Globe Life insurance lawsuit?

Yes, the majority involve deceptive claim techniques.

Does Globe provide reliable life insurance? 

There are a tonne of better possibilities, I'll accept the fifth place on this one.

Is Globe‘s life policy legitimate?

Depending on how you view them, you decide with a 2/5 overall rating.

What Type of Insurance Does Globe Life Offer

The organisation provides five distinct types of life insurance, but there is no need for a medical evaluation to buy one. Your application may still be rejected in light of your medical history and what is discovered throughout the screening process!

This is true of their term life insurance policies as well as their whole life insurance and last expense coverage. If you keep paying premiums, they will still pay a guaranteed death benefit.

Therefore, you shouldn't count on getting coverage from Globe if you have Parkinson's disease. However, we may arrange for two carriers to provide you with level immediate coverage.

Just complete the form on the right, paying particular attention to AETNA/CVS Health and Foresters.

Some of the available policy kinds are typical for grandparents.

Take a moment and read what our customers have to say about us.

2023 Globe Life Insurance Reviews You Need To Know

Term Life Insurance By Globe

Life Insurance, term Global Globe Term life insurance is a great way to safeguard your possessions and keep them out of the hands of nefarious people.

In accordance with the buyer's age at the time of purchase, Globe offers plans with up to $100,000 in coverage for 10–20 year terms at prices that vary by state.

In fact, regardless of your age! Depending on how long it has been since the last policy renewal date, term premiums can also increase. So use caution while purchasing life insurance and when speaking with a qualified insurance agent like us.

Additionally, younger individuals will pay less each month than older individuals do due to shorter claim waiting times for younger individuals as well as seniors dying at a higher rate, resulting in shorter lifetime benefit packages overall (especially considering health care costs continue rising).

  • Age Range: 18 – 79

  • Coverage Available: $5,000 – $100,000

  • What States Are Available: All 50

  • Do you have to take a Medical ExamNo

  • Health Questions Asked: Yes

  • Is There A 2 year Waiting Period: No

  • Is this Permanent Coverage: No, Term Length

  • Builds a Cash Value: No, Term Length

The term life insurance policy's 80-year expiration date presents a challenge for any seniors over 85 who intend to use it to pay for final expenses or burial expenses. We advise buying a term insurance and making sure you understand what will happen after it expires in order to prevent future issues.

$1 provides coverage for $100,000. A marketing cliche used to advertise their plans as inexpensive but eventually costly in the long run due to premium hikes that were larger than anticipated after one month of timely payments and no life insurance claims had been filed yet!

The following health requirements for a term coverage with Globe Life Insurance...

  1. Is the proposed insured currently wheelchair-bound, confined to a hospital or nursing home, or incapacitated as a result of a medical condition?

  2. Has the proposed insured received a diagnosis or treatment from a medical professional in the previous three years for any of the following conditions: cancer, coronary artery disease, heart disease, brain disease, or liver disease? b) Muscular disease, mental or nerve disorder, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, drug or alcohol addiction, or being admitted to the hospital for diabetes? c) Test findings showing exposure to the virus causing acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), AIDS Related Complex (ARC), or both?

  3. Does the proposed insured have any recurring medical conditions that require regular care or could lead to surgery in the future?

  4. Has the proposed insured's driver's licence been suspended or revoked in the last five years? Has the proposed insured been found guilty of any felonies? Is the proposed insured already behind bars?

Any affirmative responses would result in an immediate rejection. While 90% of these diseases will be covered by our several carriers starting on Day One!


Globe Life Insurance Rates For Male and Female

The Globe Life Term Life Insurance prices for men and women are listed below. Remember that your cost will rise as you enter a new age bracket. The volume of coverage, though, won't change.

The concern is, after contributing for so long to this policy, will you seniors who are on fixed income be able to handle the increases?

For instance, your coverage increases by approximately 700% from age 45 to age 80!



Globe Whole Life Insurance

Globe Whole life insurance also provides an affordable method to provide $5,000–$50,000 in coverage for your family and future generations.

Because it is already integrated into your whole life insurance policy, you never have to worry about the cost of your life insurance increasing.

No matter how old we grow or what occurs in the world, as long as we pay on time each month, we will be protected.

  • Age Range: 18 – 79

  • Coverage Available: $5,000 – $50,000 (depending on age)

  • What States: All 50

  • Medical Exam Required: No

  • Health Questions Asked: Yes

  • Is There a 2 year Waiting Period: No

  • Lifetime Coverage: Yes

  • Cash Value Accumulation: Yes

Whole life insurance programmes fix the monthly premium you pay, so rate increases won't ever be a concern. Each and every person wants this!

Whole life insurance policies are wonderful since they remain constant throughout time. Because your insurance can provide death benefit coverage indefinitely, there's no need for renewal or an increase in premium payments as long as you have it!

Children’s Life Insurance By Globe

Children’s Life Insurance By Globe

Only if you purchase life insurance or a complete life insurance policy for your children or grandchildren can you secure your future.

This could be one of the best choices that will help them when they need it most, with whole life insurance coverage starting on their first day and benefits available up to $30k!

Mortgage Protection Life Insurance

You can do this to shield your family from unforeseen events. If you're between the ages of 18 and 69, a guaranteed issue or modified life insurance policy will provide you with $50,000 up to $350,000 in coverage. Mortgage protection policies are ideal for couples because they will stabilise your financial obligations in the event that one of you, the breadwinner, passes away.

Accidental Death Life Insurance

You may be familiar with Globe's accidental death insurance policy. It has the following features and offers up to $250,000 in coverage for covered losses without a medical examination:

  • To raise the death benefit in a joint accident for the surviving spouse of an insured individual is a Common Disaster Benefit.

  • Any bodily accident that causes the loss of one hand or foot is covered under dismemberment coverage. If all four limbs were removed simultaneously and fully, an eye and part of the way up the remaining three would also be covered.

  • If your loved ones pass away while travelling on a commercially scheduled airline as an insured passenger, you may be able to make a larger claim thanks to the Commercially Scheduled Airline Benefit. Bodily Injuries will receive up to $100k in total compensation at a rate of 200% of the principal benefit!

  • What if the primary insured perished as a result of an accident that was covered? Each dependent child between the ages of 15 and 22 would get an additional 10% from Globe. There is no cap on this educational benefit as long as you are participating in the family plan, which is where it is solely offered.

  • Globe Seatbelt Benefit will pay 10% more than the initial sum when an insured person is saved as a result of wearing their seatbelt.

  • For many people, receiving the Paralysis Benefit means the difference between living in chronic agony and being able to enjoy your most active years.

  • The primary insured's benefits will rise by 5% annually thanks to this policy's inflation benefit until they reach a maximum amount or turn 70, whichever comes first.

    Children’s Life Insurance By Globe

Globe Life Insurance Available Riders

What conditions apply to the Globe life insurance policy?

The available riders are listed below:

  • If you are diagnosed with a qualifying terminal disease, you can add the Terminal Illness Accelerated Benefit special rider to your policy, which will give you 50% of benefits before they are due.

  • If you are disabled and have the Waiver of Premium rider on a policy, they will temporarily lower your premium. Make sure it's there on that date or it will cancel at age 60!

  • You can include an extra rider for your kids in the case that you have a term or whole life insurance policy. They will be provided with an additional $10K in benefits at any time between the ages of 30 days and 23 years, up until their 25th birthday! That is possible with our unique "Term To 25" Rider.

Globe Term Life Insurance Quotes

How much is Globe insurance?

For those in good or excellent health, it has a price that ranges from average to worse than average. State-specific rates vary, but if the $1 monthly premium is taken into account, they're actually rather affordable!


Don't allow Globe's requirement that candidates identify as male or female deter you from applying if you're nonbinary.

There are still other options even if most life insurance firms haven't revised their underwriting procedures to incorporate gender issues and may be in some ways archaic or restrictive.

A Globe Life policy will be backed by organisations like:

  • American Income Life (American Income Life Insurance Company)

  • (Globe Life Accident And Insurance Company)

  • Globe Life Employee Services Division (Employee Services Division)

  • Globe Life Family Heritage Division (Family Heritage Life Insurance Company Of America)

  • Globe Life Liberty National Division.

Children’s Life Insurance By Globe

How Can I Cancel My Globe Policy

The most generous 30-day money-back guarantee is provided by Globe. If you're not happy with it for any reason within that time span, they'll refund the entire policy! The majority of life insurance providers provide a "10-day Free Look."

Make sure you carefully read any policy documents before signing given the volume of complaints regarding the way the company manages policies and accounts.

Clients have often complained to complainants about how the business treats customers who wish to leave at any moment and without cause!

Consider the 30-day introductory period and then carefully review all of your documentation before cancelling if you have a Globe insurance policy.

Verify that there are no additional or unexpected costs!

By contacting (855) 468-8900, you can cancel.

Alternatively, call their customer care line at (855) 468-8900.

Globe Life Insurance Bill Payment Login

Many of our customers have complained that Globe would let their insurance lapse if an auto payment was not taken. Therefore, if you don't have an insurance with us, we'll help you maintain your coverage.

Online insurance payments can be made through Globe's eService Center. You can pay for your Globe Policy by logging in. If this is something you have never done before, register by clicking HERE.

Globe Vs The Competition

The Globe policy does not call for a medical examination, but it has the power to refuse coverage based on your medical history. But there are so many more advantageous choices available.

Many consumers pick Colonial Penn or AARP for people who require immediate coverage, according to our research. However, given that they are the two leading consumer complaint carriers, we STRONGLY advise looking for other options.

TruStage is another carrier you should avoid using!

Although the company provides no medical exam necessary guaranteed issue coverage for persons between the ages of 50 and 85, premiums are also fixed at a reasonable level.

However, the Colonial Penn 9.95 plan (units) reduces coverage annually owing to age, as we already discussed in another post.

Here is how Globe and Colonial Penn compare:

If your employer has life insurance but isn't offering enough coverage, this policy offers the ideal answer for you. Waiting periods are unnecessary while using Globe! Supplemental plans might be purchased devoid of any medical examinations.

What Are Some Restrictions You Need To Be Aware Of

A term life insurance plan could seem like an appealing choice if you're in your 20s and just starting out. The majority of Globe's customers, however, are elderly.

Prior to purchasing one, be sure to enquire about any age limits.

In actuality, Globe only provides coverage up until the age of 80 or 90, and multiple complaints have been received from customers who paid thousands of dollars in premiums only to learn that once they lived over this age, they would no longer be eligible for any benefits.

Furthermore, the fact that many customers had no protection at all after paying the first premiums rendered these plans essentially meaningless. This is the reason we frequently replace these insurance policies.


The Globe policy has MANY downsides and is NOT a good choice for individuals who desire the security that comes from knowing they are completely insured.

First off, there are restrictions on coverage quantities, and premiums can be higher than you would pay elsewhere.

Globe has never had a reputation for being a customer-focused business. In reality, this life insurance provider receives an astounding number of complaints, hundreds per month.

Therefore, it would be smart to spend some time researching Globe's policies in advance when making decisions as significant as whether or not to enrol in life insurance.

For the finest alternatives, contact us. Remember to be suspicious if something is clogging up your mailbox or if a paid spokesperson on late-night television is urging you to buy.

Globe Life Insurance customer satisfaction
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