A Complete Guide For Low-Cost Burial Insurance For Parkinson’s Disease

A Complete Guide For Low-Cost Burial Insurance For Parkinson’s Disease

September 28, 202314 min read

It's crucial to provide for your loved ones when you pass away in today's environment, which is evolving and getting more expensive. Even if you have life insurance, there are still alternative ways to spend money in honour of the deceased.

How much does a funeral cost is a thought that comes to mind when considering our own death. These days, the average funeral costs over $10,000! This blog piece will provide you with some advice on how to reduce this final expense with low-cost Parkinson's disease burial insurance.

Burial Insurance For Parkinson's Disease

Can someone with Parkinson's disease purchase life insurance? The numerous difficulties that Parkinson's disease (PD) brutally presents to a person and family are difficult to fathom. If you are reading this, we know that your family loves you more for having the foresight to decide to purchase burial or final expense insurance for when the time comes and for maintaining a good outlook on life despite having Parkinson's disease.

As the people's champion who had Parkinson's disease, Muhammad Ali once said, "Don't count the days; make the days count." Making the decision to get burial insurance will give you and your family peace of mind and will allow you to relish every time spent with loved ones.

We are delighted to tell you that even if you have Parkinson's disease, you can still purchase immediate coverage burial insurance at the lowest price. We have helped many people with this neurological illness find the best burial insurance at the most affordable price in our 26 years in the insurance market, and we can absolutely help you too!

Please continue reading to see how burial or final expense insurance providers react to applicants who have a pre-existing condition like Parkinson's disease (PD). Together with the numerous insurance plan offers, there are various circumstances where you might anticipate them. The best part is to learn how BestBurialPolicy.com, regardless matter how serious your situation may be, will help you obtain high-quality, reasonably priced burial insurance.

Parkinson's Disease And Final Expense Insurance Companies

The good news is that insurance companies can offer affordable rates because they very well know that although PD can't be cured, medications can help control symptoms. Similar to other pre-existing conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis, Systemic Lupus, etc., there are also a lot of various complementary therapies that are used together with conventional medicine that will help folks continue to lead healthy lives with this progressive neurological disorder.

This burial insurance plan is typically referred to by the insurance companies as "level," "simplified," or "preferred." There are a few top-rated burial or final insurance companies that we know and have access to that can offer an insurance plan at the lowest price with immediate full benefit amount coverage beginning on day one.

You must go through an underwriting process in order for the insurance provider to determine whether you are qualified for a level insurance policy and whether you have any additional health conditions that they might find problematic. A standard funeral insurance plan is typically provided to those who are in good health or who don't have any concerns about their health. As long as the applicant has no significant illnesses or other health conditions that are on their watch list, these few top-rated burial insurance firms will issue a level coverage to someone who has Parkinson's disease.

Also, unlike life insurance, applying for burial or final expense insurance won't require you to go through the hassle of getting ready for medical exams like physicals, blood tests, urine tests, EKGs, etc. Parkinson's disease final expenditure insurance applications, or applications for final expense insurance for any health condition, can be completed in the comfort of your own home by calling your burial insurance agent or agency.

Good to know: Most businesses, especially those with the lowest costs, do not let you to immediately purchase a funeral insurance coverage. If you were to call the insurance provider directly and inquire about your ability to apply for coverage, they would only let you know that you must use an agent to purchase their insurance plans.

However, I have horrible news. Several funeral or final insurance firms view candidates with Parkinson's disease as being too risky. Many businesses lack the resources necessary to provide a level plan for someone with PD. Some businesses are willing to take a chance on hiring a person with PD as long as they are willing to pay more to make up for the higher risk. A full or partial waiting period may also be imposed before beneficiaries are granted access to the full benefit amount. The worst case scenario is that these businesses may simply reject you outright, which will waste a lot of your time.

As we at BestBurialPolicy.com have access to the insurance providers who will be perfectly fine with Parkinson's disease, it is strongly advised to contact one of these knowledgeable final expense insurance specialists. We can better direct you as a result of it.


Parkinson's Disease In The Underwriting Process For Burial Or Final Expense Insurance

Insurance companies will inquire about your health and look through your past prescription drug history as part of the underwriting process. You will be questioned about the following areas of your health in order for us to provide you with the most accurate quotes on Parkinson's disease:

  1. Questions about your health, including your lifestyle and any current or previous illnesses.

  2. History of prescribed medications evaluation.

In the eyes of the insurance company and generally speaking, if a health condition, treatment, living conditions, type of assistance, etc. are requested, the insurance company has concerns and considers it a risk; as a result, they may offer coverage at a higher cost or with additional restrictions in some cases.

Parkinson's Disease In The Underwriting Health Questions

It is critical to understand that each insurance company will most likely phrase their questions about Parkinson's disease, or any other health condition, differently. In asking about PD, some companies will ask about a time frame for when you had it and some won't. Here are some examples of how Parkinson's disease may be asked in the underwriting health questions:

  1. In the last 24 months, have you ever been diagnosed, taken medication, or had been advised for treatment for Parkinson's disease?

  2. Have you ever been diagnosed, advised for treatment, or taken medication for Parkinson's disease?

  3. Have you ever been diagnosed, advised for treatment, or taken medication for a neurological condition or disorder?

Since PD is a neurological condition, you are obliged to answer yes to the last question. There are other health questions that are also answerable by yes or no. These questions may appear simple enough to answer on your own, but it is best if you consult with a highly qualified final expense insurance agent to help you answer them truthfully and to the best of your ability.

Depressions Induced By Parkinson's Disease

Up to half of people living with Parkinson's experience some degree of depression as a non-motor symptom. As the brain chemistry shifts owing to dopamine depletion and the emotional toll of living with the disease's physical limitations, this is the effect. Motor symptoms are often made worse by depression, and treatment adherence is negatively impacted as a result. Early discovery is essential for effective management, and treatment often consists of a combination of antidepressant medicines, psychotherapy, exercise, and supportive care. Help from loved ones is particularly crucial for those living with Parkinson's disease and depression to seek and maintain therapy.

Home Health Care Because of Parkinson's Disease

Regrettably, the reality is that you will not be provided a standard burial insurance policy, but rather a "graded" insurance plan if you need help with your ADLs or need to be on home health care due to Parkinson's disease.

The most essential daily tasks that insurance companies define as ADLs are eating, bathing, dressing, going potty, grooming, transferring, and taking prescriptions. Those with severe Parkinson's disease are frequently encouraged by their doctors to have home health care or assistance with daily life tasks.

Good to know: There are numerous assistive technologies that can keep you autonomous in performing your ADLs. The stabilising spoon is a perfect illustration of this if you have trouble eating due to hand tremors.

All funeral insurance providers, with the exception of Royal Neighbors of America, will inquire as to whether you require assistance with ADL. Regrettably, this insurance provider will also inquire as to whether you have Parkinson's.

The only option that we can get for you if you need home health care or assistance with your ADLs due to PD is to choose Royal Neighbors' graded burial insurance plan, which will cost more but provide immediate coverage. However, you will only receive a portion of the full benefit amount during the 2 years of the graded time period. If you need assistance with ADLs due to Parkinson's disease, this will be the finest option at the lowest expense. thus you will be rejected by all other less expensive insurance firms.

The only other choice you will have if you don't pass with Royal Neighbor of America is a "Guaranteed Issue" (GI) insurance plan. The GI plan won't require any underwriting, but the cost will be much higher, and there will be a two-year waiting period before you can receive your entire benefit. All premium payments would be repaid with 10% interest if you passed away while the waiting period was in effect.


Parkinson's Life Expectancy

Please be aware that the illness itself is not lethal. Most frequently, various medical issues linked to the condition shorten life expectancy by up to two years.

Prescribed Medication History Assessment

The insurance companies will analyse your past prescription drug history as part of additional due diligence to see if there are any ailments that they consider to be high-risk. Basically, they can learn about any potential health issues you may have by looking at the prescriptions you have been prescribed.

Almost all insurance companies operate under the assumption that if you are given medication for a disease, you also have that disease. There are specific and versatile recommended medications that can be used to treat the symptoms of Parkinson's disease, including both those specifically prescribed for Parkinson's disease and those with several uses that can be given to PD patients.

Parkinson's Disease Symptoms-Specific Medications

You will be automatically considered as an applicant with PD by insurance companies if you are taking any of these single-purpose medications:

(Bromocriptine Mesylate), (Carbidopa), (Larodopa), (Pergolide Mesylate), (Procyclidine HCL), (Selegiline HCL), Amantadine HCL, Apokyn (Apomorphine Hydrochloride Injection), Atamet (Carbidopa – Levodopa), Azilect (Rasagiline), Comtan (Entacapone), Cycloset (Bromocriptine Mesylate), Eldepryl (Selegiline HCL), Kemadrin (Procyclidine HCL), Levodopa (Larodopa), Lodosyn (Carbidopa), Neupro (Rotigotine Transdermal System), Parcopa (Carbidopa – Levodopa), Parlodel (Bromocriptine Mesylate), Permax (Pergolide Mesylate), Sinemet (Carbidopa – Levodopa), Stalevo (carbidopa, entacapone and levodopa), Symmetrel (Amantadine HCL), Tasmar (Tolcapone), and Zelapar (Selegiline HCL).

Multi-purpose Drugs That Can also be used to treat a person with PD symptoms:

If you are taking any of these, many companies will not really consider you as a Parkinson's patient. For example, Ropinirole is a popular medication used to treat restless leg syndrome.

Akineton (biperiden), Benztropine Mesylate, Cogentin Cogentin (Benztropine Mesylate Injection), Mirapex (Pramipexole), Requip (Ropinirole Hcl), Ropinirole, and Trihexyphenidyl HCL.

Possible Burial or Final Insurance Underwritten Plan Offers for Parkinson's Disease Applicants

Given our decades of experience in the insurance industry, we can confidently tell you the various underwritten policy offers that insurance companies may give for an applicant with PD.

Offer #1 Lowest Cost with Immediate Full Benefits Coverage (Level Plan): As we mentioned at the beginning, a level plan is absolutely possible. You will pay the lowest premiums and you will be entitled to have instant burial insurance coverage with a FULL amount benefit beginning on day one. We are rooting for you to get this plan and we will do everything we can to secure you this policy.

Offer #2 Graded plan (As mentioned earlier in the ADL and Home Health Care): Graded plan for Parkinson's disease will cost about 20% to 50% more than a level plan. You will be immediately entitled to a percentage of your full death benefit in the following time frame: a) First-year starting on day 1 – Your beneficiaries will receive up to 40% of your full death benefit. b) The second-year – Up to 80% of your full death benefit can be received. c) Third-year onwards – The full death benefit (100%) can be received by your beneficiaries if you pass away anytime for the rest of your life.

Offer #3 Highest Premium With A Full Waiting Time Period: This is usually called a "modified" plan. The monthly premiums will be at the highest and with a waiting time period of a full 24 months or 2 years. If you pass away anytime within the waiting time period, all of your payments will be refunded with 10% interest depending on the insurance company.

Offer #4 Application Will Be Declined: There are a lot of insurance companies out there that don't have the capacity to take on the risk of an applicant with Parkinson's disease and other common health conditions that goes with. There are others that will flat out decline you because of PD alone.

Guaranteed Issue (GI) Policy Option: A guaranteed issue policy is your best remaining option if you were not able to accept an offer #1 level or offer #2 graded offer, as mentioned above (the best case scenario offers), and you were only offered #3 a modified plan. A GI plan is not an underwritten plan, so no medical history inquiries or reviews will be required. This plan will be more expensive and have a 2-year full-witing period. A GI plan is typically more affordable and higher-quality than a modified plan, though this depends on the insurance provider.


How to Find the Best Burial or Final Expense Insurance for Someone with Parkinson's Disease WITHOUT wasting time

Here's a COMPLETE list of the qualities that you should be looking for in an insurance plan and the insurance company that offers it for applicants with PD:

  1. Parkinson's disease will not be a problem for the insurance provider while considering an applicant.

  2. The coverage provides the biggest benefit payout at the lowest price that can protect you right away starting on day one.

  3. Even if you require home health care or assistance with ADLs, the insurance provider can provide the best rate with quick coverage.

The insurance agency that you would need to move forward with must have the following qualities when it comes to finding burial coverage for applicants with PD:

  1. The company must employ passionate, highly qualified insurance agents who specialise in final cost or funeral insurance! not the businesses.

  2. In order to have access to a wide range of highly regarded insurance providers who might have the greatest rates, the agency actually needs to be independent.

  3. Additionally, the agency only provides the best coverage from the nation's top-rated insurance providers, which are businesses that have endured the test of time in the insurance industry and have a track record of paying.

Final Thoughts From InsuranceForBurial On Parkinson's Disease

We here at BestBurialPolicy.com have those qualities as an independent insurance agency and we can absolutely get you these policy qualities if you have Parkinson's disease. For us, there's nothing more rewarding than finding the best and affordable burial insurance coverage for someone who was having a difficult time securing one in the first place.

We take delight and fulfilment in being able to assist people with Parkinson's disease in obtaining the best burial insurance policies at the most reasonable premiums and with instant insurance coverage on the very first day. We are an independent insurance firm with a team of highly skilled Final Expense Insurance Experts who have access to the top-rated A+ insurance companies in the nation and who only provide top-tier insurance plans with cutting-edge additional benefits offered at no additional cost.

In fact, it is our burning desire to guarantee that EVERYONE has access to the best final expense insurance available! regardless of their health problems. What we only need from you is a little bit of your time to know your details. With us guided by your details, we will only come back to you with the best options and affordability.

For more information regarding Parkinson's Disease, talk to us now! We promise you a simple no-nonsense interview process with no pressure at all whatsoever.



PD might be an impractical challenge for those you leave behind to conquer in the event of your passing. But it's not necessary to be. If anything tragic should occur, having a low-cost burial insurance policy could provide you piece of mind knowing that you have money set aside for funeral and last expenditures. We have solutions whether you're wanting to purchase life insurance due to Parkinson's illness or need assistance determining which sort would be most suitable for your requirements.

Affordable final expense insurance for Parkinson's
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